Make a positive impact by volunteering for research

What is ResearchMatch?

ResearchMatch is a nonprofit program funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It helps to connect people interested in research studies with researchers from top medical centers across the U.S.

Get connected to research on many different health conditions - through ResearchMatch.

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How does ResearchMatch work?

Our ResearchMatch Network

ResearchMatch is a free and secure tool that researchers use to invite Volunteers to take part in their health research studies. See our network of 250 research institutions.

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ResearchMatch is making an impact. Here’s what people are saying.

Our Volunteers

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[ResearchMatch] was instrumental in my being accepted to Mayo Clinic's research program on Mesenchymal stem cells.
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Bob Amerson
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I joined to find accessible tests and treatments for a health condition. And, I believe in preventive medicine and how a holistic approach can change lives.
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Tatiana Orozco
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As an educated Latina, I believe volunteerism should be an ideal, and part of practice in forging a blueprint for Hispanic heritage in American history.
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Dr. Susie Villalobos

Our Collaborators

ResearchMatch proudly collaborates with 250 participating institutions and 68 community organizations to bring important research studies, health information, and resources to you.

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