Our Volunteers


When you join ResearchMatch, you become part of a diverse community of people across the US who are interested in taking part in research studies. Anyone can join!

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Why do people join ResearchMatch?

To be connected to research that may help find medical solutions for themselves, their loved ones, and their communities.

To help discover new treatments that will be available for future generations.

To take part in surveys and in-person research.

Meet our volunteers

Photograph of ResearchMatch volunteer
We need proven treatment for ourselves, and our families and not only rely on research conducted on other demographic groups, however this can only happen if we ourselves are volunteers in clinical research.
Photograph of ResearchMatch volunteer
In times of need, having medical options saves lives!

Having an easy platform to volunteer and help my community have these options is an amazing feeling!
Photograph of ResearchMatch volunteer
I believe in the benefits of science and in the positive long-term benefits of it. I am willing to assist towards those positive effects when I can in the hopes of better healthcare services for everyone.
Photograph of ResearchMatch volunteer
As an aspiring physician, I have come to realize that African Americans are underrepresented in many search studies. I decided to join ResearchMatch to do my part and make a difference.

Our ResearchMatch Volunteers

Race and Ethnicity

White 71.1%  
Black, African American, or African 11.1%  
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish 8.7%  
Asian 4.3%  
None of these fully describe me 2.3%  
American Indian or Alaska Native 1%  
Middle Eastern or North African 0.8%  
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 0.7%  

Sex Assigned at Birth

Female 63.9%  
Male 36%  
Prefer not to answer 0.1%  


Older than 18 years 97.6%  
18 years or younger 2.4%  


ResearchMatch volunteers are located all across the United States, including Puerto Rico!


volunteer reports no medications 76.8%  
Vitamin D 5.5%  
Adderall 3.7%  
multivitamin tab 3.4%  
Zyrtec 2.9%  
gabapentin 2.7%  
Albuterol 2.6%  
Wellbutrin 2.4%  
levothyroxine 2.4%  
Aspirin 2.4%  
Synthroid 2.1%  


volunteer reports no conditions 62.3%  
hypertension 15.3%  
adhd 14.6%  
generalized anxiety disorder 14%  
ptsd - post-traumatic stress disorder 11.7%  
depression 11.5%  
asthma 10.9%  
anxiety 10.2%  
migraine 9.9%  
sad 9.3%  
seasonal allergies 8.3%  
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