Why Research?

Without volunteers like you in clinical trials, healthcare would not improve. The treatments, drugs, and medical technology we have today are because of research.

Research studies need different types of people to join to make sure the results benefit everyone. However, sometimes people are hesitant to take part in research. We hope you will review some of the videos and resources below to learn about why research is important and why clinical trials are needed.

Clinical Trial Information and Resources

Click on the videos below to learn more about research and clinical trials.

Making life better

Clinical Trials
Recruitment Innovation Center

Public Service Announcement

What a pharmacy would look like without clinical trial volunteers

The impact clinical trials have on all of us


Considering clinical trial participation?

Here's where to ask
Recruitment Innovation Center

Research Gives Hope


Hope for the Future


Research Needs All of Us


How do clinical trials work?


Potential to change the world


Why should I participate in a research study?

STRIDE/UMass Medical School

Commonly Asked Questions About Research

What are clinical trials and why are they important?

Clinical Trials, also called medical trials, are research studies that test new ways to prevent, screen for, diagnose, or treat disease. They are the main way that researchers find out if a new treatment, like a new medication, is safe and effective in people.

Is ResearchMatch only for clinical trials?

No, ResearchMatch will help match any type of approved study that is looking for people to participate. You may be contacted about different research opportunities ranging from a survey you can do at home to a clinical trial that may involve you traveling to the researcher's institution.

Where can I learn more about taking part in research?

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) gives you more information about taking part in research. To learn more, visit: NIH Website.

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